
李成柱贼笑着将这把弓收入藏戒指中正准备往飞去却突然发现头顶还有三团绿光 噢……李成柱小心肝扑通扑通乱跳脚寒光摆着字舞朝绿光飞去 走近前才发现这几团绿光跟刚才并不一样这些绿光根就是一些绿色晶体发出光芒 虽然心里有些须失望但是李成柱仍然知道这些绿色晶体也不是什么简单货色光面所含能量就不知道比自己那些垃圾天机石高出多少倍来 当也不再含糊从戒指中掏出一把炼废了飞剑将这些晶体一一从树撬了来放进藏戒指中 再次将整个树洞查看一遍确定没有遗留宝物后李成柱才按原路飞回 Walking out of the tree hole, Li Chengzhu found that the whole tree was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. It didn’t take a moment for the original full of green and towering giant tree to become a dead tree. A large number of leaves fell

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And the idea that the Prince of Integrity found the Phoenix family girl is good, but it has become an excuse for the Phoenix family to either fake with the family to prevent the emperor from having a gap in his heart or the two sisters Feng Hao will even become the queen’s knife and fish.

Whether it’s fake, fake, mutual benefit or true, it’s not even within the scope of consideration. After all, she has never considered the family from the past to the present, and occasionally considers the family only because the interests are not in conflict with each other, which can also win over the family. Everyone knows

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